turned out

turning the world to Christ

a new song

Posted by dturn on March 10, 2006

There seems to be a lot of people who are less than thrilled about the “expansion” of Christian music. Some think that on a Sunday morning all that should be played is hymn. I don’t have a problem with that as long as the congregation is full of people over 50. Seriously, why does it seem like the church is stuck in the mud of traditionalism when it comes to music?
I believe that anything that does not take away from the glory of God should be o.k. in the church. Music should be edifying, not distracting or boring. Not too many teenagers or young adults (21-40) find hymns interesting at all. To them a good beat/sound with a message is more meaningful.

Here is an example of some music I find good to listen to:

4th Avenue Jones
Innovative band that pushes the envelope. There ability to tap into different styles is amazing.

Lisa McClendon
Talented vocalist with a definite “neo-soul’ vibe. Her cd Soul Music is awesome along with her latest project Live from the House of Blues New Orleans

Psalm 96:1 says that we should sing a new song unto the Lord. This doesn’t mean that the content of the song should change, but maybe the style should. If you have God at the center of the message the results should always be meaningful.


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