turned out

turning the world to Christ

3 lessons that I learned on my blog-fast (2 of 3)

Posted by dturn on October 3, 2008

2. Obedience is the key

When God told Abraham to leave his family and country, he left.
It’s hard for God to move in our lives when we haven’t been obedient in the last thing He told us to do.

I have learned that God is expecting a lot from me.
One of the things He wants most from me is obedience.

Sure, its easy for me to come up with excuses of why I didn’t do something.
The truth is, I just wasn’t obedient.

God is not looking to make me do things to have me look like a robot.
Instead, He asks me to do things that will enhance my life and others and give Him glory.

Sometimes I don’t do because I’m not confident in myself.
Sometimes, I’m plain scared.
Whatever the reason is, God has shown me that He is there all the time.
I can have confidence in His ability to catch me when I fall.

I’m not saying that my life is easier.
It is easier to live when I’m obedient to Him.

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